Top 5 Best Movie Collections 2018

Top 5 Best Movie Collections 2018

In this review, we share winners of our evaluation and rating of boxset movies with top 5 best movie collections for 2018.

We have used four criteria to evaluate each movie collection:

STORY: how engaging, interesting, exciting and dazzling is the movie story. How unique is the story?

CINEMATOGRAPHY: how good is the creative visuals that reinforce a narrative and give the audience an emotional experience?

CASTS: how engaging are actors acting. How surprising and not predictable is their acting

Special Features: included bonus content, behind the scene, interviews and other extra features


Links to movies in this video:

5: Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI)

4: Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7) 

3: The Godfather 3-Movie Collection

2: Game of Thrones Complete Series

1: The Lord of the Rings

Top 5 Best Movie Collections 2018
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